About Arizona Sports League
Arizona Sports League is Arizona’s largest provider of recreational sports leagues & premier social events in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
With thousands of annual participants, AZ Sports League has become the place to meet and compete in various sports and activities all over the valley.
We’ve become the largest because we offer high quality leagues at low cost. Our focus is not on being the largest, but being the best. Yet through our commitment to providing excellent leagues and activities, we have grown to the largest.
In order for us to excel at hosting the different sports we seek out league coordinators who are passionate about playing the sports that they manage.
We found out early that to adequately run a league the league coordinator has to be involved in that sporting community.
This is how we were formed, from individuals who loved playing the sport and wanted to build a community of other sport playing individuals.
We started as the old Motorola soccer league with seven teams in early 2001. Now we have Volleyball, Basketball, Kickball, Lacrosse, Flag Football, Pickleball, Tennis, and Soccer leagues on the site as well as a number of social events and tournaments throughout the year.
We’re continuously seeking other league coordinators who have a passion for a sport to help continue our growth. If you fit the bill, if you love a sport and want to help it grow, then let us know.
The future of the Arizona Sports League will focus on continued growth through a simple formula. Find dedicated individuals who love organizing activities and that have a passion for a sport. Then give them the proper support to help them succeed. We do not ask anything from those that want to run a league except that they’re dedicated to have the sport they own grow.
The Arizona Sports League Team

Adam Thelwell
Director Of Traffic
Adam Thelwell is the director for Arizona Sports League. Growing up in Manchester, England Adam has been a Phoenix resident for over 10 years. While a soccer player at heart Adam has a passion for all sports.
Adam has spent the last decade working within the sports community building various programs and events across the state.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Trevor Brandel
Director Of Operations
Trevor is an Arizona native. Growing up in Flagstaff Trevor has played sports all his life and you’ll catch Trevor around the field handling lots of ASL business.
While running operations for ASL Trevor can asnwer nearly any question you have about our sports and events with over 6 years in the field and coordination of our programs.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Phillip Montgomery
League Director
Phillip is a League Coordinator for the Arizona Sports League and league coordinator for several sports including Friday night co-ed soccer and Saturday soccer. He’s been running leagues since 2001 and helped grow the league from seven soccer teams to what it is today. He’s happy to be part of a league that allows individuals to find friends while enjoying playing sports.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Rene Nelson
Kickball Coordinator // Amabassador Of Fun
Rene has been running our kickball leagues and sloshball tournaments for several years. She brings a great energetic attitude with her and not hard to miss at the fields, simply look for the loudest person!
Rene has taken the kickball community and brought everyone together. Several marriages have come from Rene’s match making at Kickball and the leagues currently have over 50 teams participating across Phoenix.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Jeramy Bollinger
Flag Football Coordinator
Originally from Chicago Jeramy is a huge football fan. When he’s not cheering for the Bears on a Sunday he’s running our flag football leagues.
Captain of his Thursday team The Free Agents Jeramy joined our group as a free agent and is now running the show.
You’ll catch Jeramy at any of our fields weekly holding down the flag seasons.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Mark Watson
Volleyball & Basketball Coordinator
Mark Watson is a man of many talents. In college Mark was an all-star basketball player and runs our basketball leagues across the city. But his skills don’t end there. You can catch Mark serving, setting and spiking on the regular in our Sand Volleyball leagues.
Mark is super approachable so stop by and say what’s up when you see Mark at the courts.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Chris Marriott
Communications // Phoenix Premier League // Lead Guitars
Chris was born & raised in England and has lived stateside for over 20 years. Handling all of the communication for ASL Chris is your go to to answer any questions about our offerings.
While once a famous rock and roll star Chris now continues to play soccer and holds down our Sunday soccer program, The Phoenix Premier League.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Breanna McCarthy
Dodgeball Coordinator
Bre is an all out Dogdeball beast! Bre is our latest addition at AZSL and will be heading up the Dodgeball programs across Phoenix.
E-Mail: [email protected]

(Now Hiring)
Lacrosse Coordinator
We have an opening for a LAX coordinator! Hit up [email protected] if you’re interested in the role.